Swasti Handa – a mother, a family woman, an ex-corporate lady, who is currently shaping several lives through mindfulness and meditation programs. As a loner kid, who was caught in the whirlwind of life’s challenges, Swasti went through a lot of lows in her life. After successfully completing her Post Grad in Insurance Management, the corporate world took over the reins of Swasti’s life, where schedules, meetings, deadlines consumed her, besides domestic responsibilities.

Juggling through this role for several years, Swasti had the yearning to explore something deeper about her life. That’s when fate led her to find a new self. It’s been 11 years since Swasti has been guiding people by serving as a mindfulness coach and transformation catalyst. Based in Switzerland, she is accessible globally, and always here to help you discover the solutions to your problems.

My boss is never happy with me. I always strive… put my best foot forward. But nothing I do is ever up to the mark in his eyes. Last month I completed one of our projects in record time… Even the top management was extremely happy with my work. But my boss said: ‘You’re expected to deliver.’ It’s just too discouraging.
Joan, 37 years

So, a constant need for validation from others… even when you know you’re doing well in a situation… can become a huge stressor. It may also indicate self-esteem problems. You can overcome this with meditation and mindfulness. It’s also important to understand that the only thing in your control is your response. And with mindfulness you can alter it.

My personal life is in a mess because of constant work pressure. Just a few days ago I screamed at my daughter so badly… She was so scared… She’s not talking to me properly since then. My job is literally getting the better of me.
Robert, 36 yrs

Looks like you have been under stressful conditions for a long period. Prolonged stress can cause many issues… even behavioral. But I say, better late than never. Now that you have realized the problem… you can change your life the way you want. Practicing mindfulness can bring a lot of awareness. By being aware of every moment you will be able to identify your triggers… and then instead of giving in to those triggers, you will be able to choose to react differently.

I work in a salon… and the work situation in my field is quite unstable because of the pandemic. Every other day we get to know our colleagues being fired. Yesterday my friend was asked to leave. And now… it could be me.
Srishti, 30 years

First of all… I’m glad that you have identified your fear. Because ignoring that can eventually lead to some serious issues. Secondly… it’s true that there’s instability around us… but you can rise above all this. It is scientifically proven that stress can be reduced with mindfulness techniques like MBSR. Once you are able to manage your stress in a better way… you can cope with your fear… and a lot can open up for you.

I have recently changed my job. But because of the lockdown I haven’t been able to meet any of my new colleagues. I miss that face-to-face interaction and bonding. It feels like I don’t belong here. It’s affecting my work.
William, 46 years

The world keeps changing. If you accept this change, you will find ways to navigate through such scenarios. And that too with ease. Work-from-home is not only convenient, but it’s the need of the hour. Remote working is today’s new normal… remote bonding could be tomorrow’s. Practising mindfulness can help you handle this better. Apart from that, small initiatives like regular face-time with colleagues, having virtual breaks together and spending team time can be of great help.

Managing work and my 2-year old son amid the lockdown has become very difficult. I feel like I am not doing enough… as a mother and even as an employee…
Neha, 29 years

Even I have been through this feeling… And same with many working moms… Juggling between personal and professional life. And still feeling guilty. But such negative emotions can pull you down. Making things more difficult. In such cases, what you first need is adequate sleep and rest. After that you can keep yourself calm with meditation or mindfulness practices. Something like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction can be of great help.