Escaping Loneliness
I know this may seem preposterous, but to grant myself solace from this perpetual atrocity, I knew I had to commit a murder. Now, before all of you go haywire and condemn me for harboring such […]
I know this may seem preposterous, but to grant myself solace from this perpetual atrocity, I knew I had to commit a murder. Now, before all of you go haywire and condemn me for harboring such […]
उसे न तो जानता था, न पहचानता था. सिर्फ़ नाम जानता था, उसकी लिखाई ( हैंडराइटिंग) पहचानता था, पर ख़यालो में उसे अक्सर ढूँढा करता था … बड़ी चाह थी एक बार तो मिलूं उससे … मगर हर […]
फिर आया नए वर्ष के स्वागत का समय!
दिसंबर के अंतिम दिनों में जब कैलेंडर छलांग लगाने को होता है अख़बारों और मीडिया -जनों की दुनिया अतीत के पन्ने पलटने लगती है और टेलिविज़न के न्यूज़ एंकर पुराने क्लिप […]
तलाक… सोहम के कान जलने लगे।
उम्र के इस पड़ाव पर जब लोग अपने बच्चों के बच्चे के साथ खेलते हैं, तब तो सोहम ने शादी की है । अभी शादी के कुछ ही महीने तो हुए हैं । […]
When Joseph Ballad came to his senses, he found himself at the mouth of the repulsive East End. The mud-covered streets let out stale dampness, which then amalgamated with the lethargic air prevalent in the vicinity. It mixed […]
An excited individual is erratic, but when Nitish Vardhwan pushed through the doors of his desolate apartment, he redefined insanity. In his attempt to conduct himself into the apartment, he knocked his brother off the stepladder, who was just beside […]
Kumiko’s appearance was as eerie as her disappearance was. It was during one of the escapades in Nishi-Kasai; Japan’s own little India, I found her sitting atop a lamppost, with her body bent and head stretched unusually towards the sky. […]