Escaping Loneliness
I know this may seem preposterous, but to grant myself solace from this perpetual atrocity, I knew I had to commit a murder. Now, before all of you go haywire and condemn me for harboring such […]
I know this may seem preposterous, but to grant myself solace from this perpetual atrocity, I knew I had to commit a murder. Now, before all of you go haywire and condemn me for harboring such […]
Ever since the onset of civilised governance, regardless of it being a democracy or a monarchy, interest groups have advocated for a variety of regulations and privileges. They have pressured governments into enacting laws and taking strict measures, […]
“He put her in the showcase.”
“He did what…?”
“He dressed her up as one of his mannequins, and put it up in front of the store.”
“His wife’s corpse?”
“Was I speaking in Hebrew till now?” said Manav.
Manav loathed to repeat himself, especially […]
उसे न तो जानता था, न पहचानता था. सिर्फ़ नाम जानता था, उसकी लिखाई ( हैंडराइटिंग) पहचानता था, पर ख़यालो में उसे अक्सर ढूँढा करता था … बड़ी चाह थी एक बार तो मिलूं उससे … मगर हर […]
फिर आया नए वर्ष के स्वागत का समय!
दिसंबर के अंतिम दिनों में जब कैलेंडर छलांग लगाने को होता है अख़बारों और मीडिया -जनों की दुनिया अतीत के पन्ने पलटने लगती है और टेलिविज़न के न्यूज़ एंकर पुराने क्लिप […]
तलाक… सोहम के कान जलने लगे।
उम्र के इस पड़ाव पर जब लोग अपने बच्चों के बच्चे के साथ खेलते हैं, तब तो सोहम ने शादी की है । अभी शादी के कुछ ही महीने तो हुए हैं । […]
How To Be a Unique Content Writer In 12 Steps
‘Content writing’ per se, is inarguably a skill. The art and science of writing content differ from person to person, and from industry to industry. There are […]